Help for Slow Websites on Firefox

I’ve many great tips to post so I’m prioritizing. Today I feel the need for readable websites as the most urgent. By “readable” I mean less lag and loading issues.

I like to view Daily Mail Online. Yeah, it’s tabloidesque, but America’s still a free country. This website (among others) lags badly. I suspect videos or ads are trying to load in the background.

I’ve remedied the jerky scrolling and the lag by enabling a Java Script blacklister add-on.

java-iconWhat’s Java Script? It’s a computer programming language that’s used by almost every website to make it interactive.

What’s a Java Script blacklister? It’s a mini-program that stops Java from running on selected websites. Most websites load and run just fine, but there are a selected few that do not. You add these to your blacklist.

What’s an add-on? Add-ons, also known as extensions or plug-ins, are mini-programs to enhance functionality. They’re usually independently created β€” someone had a problem and solved it quickly for everyone β€” and if the add-on works well enough the developers may include it as part of their main program.

I use Firefox as my internet browser. I have no problem with firefox logodifferent browsers, but a few years ago an uncooperative update on a rival browser prompted me to go back to Firefox and I’ve never left.

Now for my recommendation on the Java Script blacklister.Β  I’m touting “YesScript 2.0” developed by Jason Barnabe for Firefox. Don’t confuse it with “NoScript” created by Giorgio Maone that stops Java Script on all websites unless you allow them via a dropdown menu for each site.

YesScript logoThe YesScript add-on lets you add specific websites to a blacklist. Unlike NoScript, its purpose is to lessen lag and freezing, not security.

Other browsers offer Java Script blacklisting add-ons. Chrome has NotScripts, and Safari’s is simply known as Java Script Blacklist. Those of you using Internet Explorer appear to be out of luck for now.

How to Find YesScript

1. Open Firefox, 2) select Tools, then 3) Add-ons from the upper-left menu bar.
Firefox Tools





Lost your Firefox menu bar? Don’t worry, Firefox menu barit happens to me too. Just tap Alt to find it.

You can leave it hidden and click Alt each time to use it, or you can keep it visible by clicking View, then Toolbars, and chose which bar you wish to pin to your browser page.
Make sure there’s a check mark by the bar name.

Search YesScript under the Available Add-ons tab.available add-ons

5) Select YesScript, and 6) clickΒ Add to Firefox . Follow any further prompts.

Adding Websites to YesScript

There are a couple of ways to add websites to YesScript.

1) The easiest way is by opening the web page and clicking on the page icon in the top right corner of your browser.
YesScript paper iconjpg




2) The Hard Way.
Go to your Add-on page (Menu bar > Tools > Add-ons. The first illustration helps if you have trouble), choose 1) Extensions, 2) Options, 3) type in, or copy and paste in, the URL address you wish to blacklist, and 4) click Add.
adding websites to black list long way


What You Get with YesScript

Browsers, or websites, don’t freeze.
Less, or no, script-read errors or the dreaded crash icons.

No adding comments to sites you’ve blacklisted.
No viewing videos directly on the blacklisted website.
No sharing articles or videos on social media from the blacklisted site.

You can have all the up’s and downs listed above again if you remove the website from your blacklist.

Removing sites from your awesome new blacklist

Go to your menu bar on top of your Firefox browser window, click Tools, then Add-ons. There’s an illustration above.

In the Add-on’s area, click 1) Extension, 2) YesScript, and 3) Options. Highlight the website you want to remove, and click β€” you guessed it β€” 4) Remove.
YesScript Block List

See? Not hard at all.

I hope this helps your browser lag and freeze problems. It did mine. I’ve been using this add-on for a few months now and couldn’t be happier.

Have a great week-end! Thanks again for following Patti’s Pathways. πŸ˜€


DISCLAIMER: Any and all ideas presented in this blog are solely my own unless otherwise noted. I experience troubles with technology just like any other person, and if I stumble upon a fix or suggestion I feel could benefit others I pass it along. At no time, have I suggested or implied that I hold any degrees or certificates related to computer repair.

I have during my career assembled parts into working computers; done troubleshooting on hardware and software; utilized a great many computer programs and software; designed and updated websites and blogs; as well as created brochures, banners, and flyers.

2 thoughts on “Help for Slow Websites on Firefox

  1. Dianne Klingemann

    Hi Patti,
    I’ve read this blog as I too use Firefox and was curious about your claim to help speed up loading. But alas, I think I am chicken to try what you’re suggesting. Not that I don’t trust you but that I don’t trust myself to know what I should do and when. Keep in mind that for us more “mature” computer people we are afraid to do just about everything and what you are proposing seems way beyond our needs and capabilities.

    Usually when I have a problem with my computer I just ask Patrick what to do and/or take the laptop to him for assistance. But then when he fixes my problem it seems like it changes things I don’t necessarily want changed. Do you understand where I’m coming from? Just saying, you need to be gentle with us as maybe your expertise is way over our heads albeit our heads might be way too low for the more less mature. πŸ™‚


    1. Patti Post author

      First and foremost, I’m a firm believer in “If it ain’t broke, don’t mess with it”, especially where computers are concerned. A person can do a lot of damage trying to “fix” computer software.

      And remember, any suggestion from anyone is exactly that: a suggestion. If you don’t feel comfortable using a suggestion, don’t. Most of my blog ideas are specifically for people who are experiencing troubles and looking for a solution.

      Now on topic. The great thing about browser plug-ins, extensions, and add-ons is that if they don’t work or cause browsing issues a person can just disable and/or delete them. They won’t turn your computer into a doorstop; at least not the ones I recommend.

      NOTE: It’s a good idea to investigate anything you intend to download onto your computer by searching forums and looking at ratings. I use (a CNET site) a lot. They have reader and editor ratings. Plus when you download programs from there, they normally don’t have added junkware/crapware and have been prescanned for viruses.

      Back to topic. With YesScript, it’s not so much about speeding up page loading as lessening lag after the page is loaded. Some pages auto-run ad videos or sometimes just news videos. These slow down computers with marginally good graphics cards and a few gigs of RAM, like mine. Computers with great graphics cards and 8+ gigs of RAM probably don’t blink an eye at video loading.

      Thanks for the great comments, and for following Patti’s Pathways. πŸ˜€



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